Our website for nineteen05 is up! This is really exciting for us. Let us know your thoughts, Again the design is by Ned Wright.

In the near future I’ll be putting blogging software on the site, and starting a blogs for the sites I host. I’m thinking about using WordPressMU, anyone have any experience with this? I know some people use it for a full fledged CMS. Let me know your thoughts/experiences.
The New Logo

Previous Branding
Incase you forgot what our previous branding looked like… it was made quickly by me to just have something to use. It was…. bad.

2 responses to “Nineteen05 Website Up!!”
Hi! I know about MU. 😉 I’ve used it pretty extensively and I author a tutorial blog on the subject.
Congrats on the website! Yes, I still wander over to your blog. Exciting times – marriage, Bethel, new adventures on the web….God as creator indeed! Hope all is well…(and I have absolutely NO experience with the stuff you asked about – most of it I don’t know the ACRONYMS for!) Oh, and say Hi to Ned for me – haven’t seen him forever!